The Cause and Effect That Tie Into Ladder Safety

A Customers Story that Illustrates The Importance of Ladder Safety


Ladder injuries are far too common in today’s world; according to ABC News, “They found that more than 2.1 million people were treated in hospital emergency departments for ladder-related injuries from 1990 to 2005. That averages out to more than 136,000 cases a year.

Almost 10 percent of those 2.1 million people needed to be hospitalized; about twice the overall admission rate for consumer-product-related injuries. Males accounted for nearly 77 percent of all ladder-related injuries. Fractures were the most common type of injury, and legs and feet were the most frequently injured parts of the body. The study also found that among cases where location was recorded, 97 percent of injuries occurred at homes, farms and other non-occupational settings.”

Larry’s story starts out with him unfortunately like many others falling off a ladder.

At this point after falling of the ladder, Larry decided it was time to start researching different forms of gutter protection.

The cause of falling off the gutters resulted in the effect of finding ways to stay off of it. The house that he was currently living in he was renting; with the idea in the future of purchasing it. With the plan of purchasing the home in the future, Larry wanted to fix it up. The gutters on the home were in really bad shape; one downspout even had a tree growing up in it!

Larry begins researching different gutter companies and forms of gutter protection in the area. During his research, he really liked all the reviews that he saw about Gutter Cover Kansas City®. As a result, this helped him decide who to call. He really enjoyed working with the estimator, who was really reasonable and present. Gutter Cover Kansas City® ended up removing the tree from his downspout. As well as making some custom work for his gutters to help with protecting his home from water.

Larry has had The Gutter Cover now since 2011 and everything is working really well still to this date.

“He would recommend Gutter Cover of KC to anyone!”