Trees; What to consider when purchasing and or planting them.
Trees – What Kind to Plant
My dad loved Weeping Willow trees. He dug up a sapling growing in a ditch and transplanted it to our backyard. It had plenty of room to grow and it thrived.
Choosing a tree can be an emotional decision but it’s probably best to exercise some practicality in the matter.
The first step is to determine which trees are best for your area. This region of Missouri in which we work and live is ranked Zone 6 for hardiness. Some of the things to consider are average temperatures in winter and summer, winter hardiness, and availability of water. You may want to avoid trees that are susceptible to storm damage (Bradford Pear), disease (Elm) or insects (Ash) to lessen the likelihood of losing out on your investment.
Next, you would want to determine tree characteristics
Such as, the shape of the tree, the texture of the bark, blooms, evergreen, and fall color or perhaps you want to attract birds and other wildlife. Some trees can be planted to serve as a barrier between properties. Mother Earth News recommends not planting trees that are of the five most popular in the area. But rather to add diversity to the local ecosystem, then your tree(s) will be less likely to suffer loss due to insects or disease.
Keep in mind too that not all trees will fit into your landscape. It’s best to first decide where the tree is needed and what the tree should do in the landscape – then select the tree that fulfills these requirements. Following are some suggestions of trees that are either native to Missouri or have been well adapted to the climate and soil conditions.
Large Shade Trees (80 – 100 feet) American Sycamore Bur Oak Honey Locust Sugar Maple |
Medium Shade Trees (30 – 60 feet) Black Gum Flowering Dogwood Ginkgo Persimmon River Birch |
Small Shade Trees (20 – 30 feet) American Hornbeam Amur Maple Golden-Rain Trident Maple |
Don’t forget with trees, comes leaves, and with leaves comes fall. Advantage Gutter Guard® can help you enjoy your trees year around by not allowing them to clog up your gutters!
Lastly, don’t forget to give your trees a little love now and then; a full-grown tree can produce enough oxygen to support a family of four.