Water in Basement, Caused By Clogged Gutters?

Gutter Cover Kansas City® recently received two calls from homeowners having issues involving outside water getting in their basements.  Upon examining each situation we thought it was important to share these experiences in order to alert our readers to the various causes of finding water in a basement. Clogged gutters can definitely be involved.

One homeowner would find water in her basement whenever there was heavy rain.  We checked the gutters and they ran clear but as water flowed through the downspouts it was found to be spewing out from the underground drain thus causing water to seep into the basement.  The underground drain was clogged – so it was recommended they find a company to clean out the drain. This homeowner was not a candidate for Advantage Gutter Guard® but we were glad to determine the cause of the problem so they could get it fixed.

Structural Engineer recommends Advantage Gutter Guard® to prevent clogged gutters and water in the basement

The second experience was a foundation issue caused by clogged gutters.  Three years previously a structural engineer recommended to the homeowner what needed to be done to repair the foundation and also suggested that he install Advantage Gutter Guard® gutter guard system.  Apparently, he found clogged gutters were causing water to flow over and against the foundation. The foundation was repaired, but a gutter protection system was not installed.  Now three years later, water is again seeping through the foundation walls into the basement and the original foundation repair will have to be done again.  We have provided an estimate to install Advantage Gutter Guard® on the home.

Many people are not aware what a large role clogged gutters play in foundation issues, and that often the effort to keep basements dry can be as simple as keeping gutters clog-free or installing Advantage Gutter Guard® to do it for them.  Not just any gutter guard will do the job, many still become clogged.  Advantage Gutter Guard® is a proven gutter protection system with a lifetime guarantee.  As the saying goes, “An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure”, proper gutter protection can prevent costly damage to a home.

Advantage Gutter Guard® may not be for every home but for those gutters that are subject to falling debris such as leaves, sticks, and seeds, Advantage Gutter Guard® can help protect foundations.  As your hometown, gutter protection and water solution expert Gutter Cover Kansas City® wants to help you protect your home.  Please call for a free, no-obligation estimate and we will evaluate your gutter system to resolve current water problems or prevent potential issues from happening.