Matt Blashaw Recommends Gutter Protection by Gutter Cover KC®.

“I was just admiring my incredible gutter covers today and thinking about you guys. Again, they are absolutely amazing.”

Matt Blashaw-HGTV Host and Home Expert.

In Matt’s expert opinion – “If You Are Thinking About Getting Gutter Covers – Get Gutter Cover KC®.”

We loved working with Matt!  He is a super nice guy and very easy to work with, yet he takes quality work seriously. With his experience, he knows when a job is done right and that is what he expects.

We all understand how clogged gutters can be a mess to deal with – but did you know they are also likely to create even larger and more expensive problems. Clogged gutters can be dangerous to clean out and also dangerous to your home when water pours over the gutters and around the foundation, possibly even flooding the basement. With our gutter protection system Advantage Gutter Guard® you won’t have to worry about your gutters clogging ever again. Our solid guard protects you from all debris clogging your gutters in any season. You also won’t have to worry about water running over your gutter; our guard uses surface tension physics. This keeps water flowing into the gutter, not over it, and directs water away from the home.

Matt Blashaw stated it best, “No matter what the season you know that your house is going to be covered and your investment is going to be protected.”

We want to thank Matt Blashaw so much for trusting our company. And for all his kind words about the quality and functionality of our gutters and gutter protection system.

Start your estimate below and soon you will never have to worry about clogged gutters again:

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How Much Do Gutter Guards Cost?

How Do I Find Out How Much Gutter Protection Will Cost For My Home?

This is always the burning question – Most people love to shop so that they can get the best product for their home from the most competent company at the lowest price possible. When it comes to home improvements that is not always an easy task. Here are the factors that go into the price for gutter guards and covers and it’s the same if you are looking for gutter screens or a permanent solid surface gutter cover system. Read here for the factors: How much do gutter guards cost?  

Are Gutter Guards Worth It?

Looking to find out if gutter guards are worth the time and investment? Read our article, “Are Gutter Guards Worth It?.” This article goes over what gutter guards are worth it and work. The article also explains the gutter guard disadvantages with examples.